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As artists, we believe in the power of creativity and the limitless potential of human imagination. We value originality, embracing diverse perspectives and unique expressions of thought. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in our craft, continually seeking to grow, learn, and refine our skills. We operate with integrity, respecting the rights and freedoms of other artists while acknowledging our influences. We recognize the power of our work to inspire, challenge, and transform society, and we strive to use this power responsibly.

We also understand the importance of collaboration and community within the creative industry. We believe in supporting and uplifting fellow artists, sharing knowledge and resources, and working together to create meaningful and impactful work.

At the same time, we are constantly pushing boundaries, questioning norms, and challenging traditional ways of thinking. We know art has the power to start important conversations, challenge social constructs and bring about positive change in the world.

As artists, we are not afraid to take risks and embrace vulnerability. We understand that failure is a natural part of the creative process and we learn from our mistakes to constantly improve ourselves.

Your creativity is your uniqueness and by agreeing to the Unigon Values, you become part of the fabric of change.

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